др Јелена Ћалић, виши научни сарадник
Научне области: геоморфологија, спелеологија, карст
Одабране референце
1. Ćalić, J., Mladenović, A., Petrović, A.S., & Gajović, V. (2020). Stripe Karst Tectonic Settings – Examples from Eastern Serbia. In P. Kambesis, A. Singer, & L. A. Bledsoe (Eds), Proceedings for Conservation of Fragile Karst Resources – A Workshop on Sustainability and Community in support of UNESCO science programs; August 18-20, 2020 on-line; Bowling Green, KY (p. 12)
2. Telbisz, T., Brankov, J., & Ćalić, J. (2020). Topographic and lithologic controls behind mountain depopulation in Zlatibor District (Western Serbia). Journal of Mountain Science, 17, 271–288, doi.org/10.1007/s11629-019-5861-5
3. Nešić, D., Ćalić, J. (2018). Ice caves in Serbia. In: Perșoiu, A. & Lauritzen, S.-E. (eds): Ice caves (p. 611-624). doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-811739-2.00027-9; ISBN: 978-0-12-811739-2. Elsevier.
4. Ćalić, J. (2018). Cave explorations along the Danube course. In: Mattes J., Christian E. & Plan L. (eds): Proceedings of the 12th EuroSpeleo Forum – European Speleological Federation, p.48 (invited Keynote lecture); August 23rd-26th 2018, Ebensee, Austria.
5. Petrović, A.S., Ćalić, J., Spalević, A., Pantić, M. (2018). Relations between surface and underground karst forms inferred from terrestrial laser scanning. Geological Society London, Special Publications, 466: 107-120. doi.org/10.1144/SP466.23
6. Milošević, M.V., Kovačević-Majkić, J., Ćalić, J. & Milivojević, M. (2015). Spatial distribution and morphology of thufur on the southern rim of the Vlasina Lake, Serbia. Erdkunde 69, 33-49.
7. Ćalić, J., Gaudenyi, T., Milošević, V.M., Štrbac, D., Milivojević, M. (2012). Geomorphometrical method for delineation of plains - case study of the south-eastern (Serbian) segment of the Pannonian Plain. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 7(2), 239–248.
8. Pavlović, R., Ćalić, J., Djurović, P., Trivić, B. & Jemcov, I. (2012). Recent landform evolution in Serbia. In: Loczy, D., Stankoviansky, M. & Kotarba, A. (Eds), Recent Landform Evolution - Carpathian, Balkan and Dinaric Region (pp. 345-375). Springer Geography. ISBN 978-94-007-2448-8.
9. Ćalić, J. (2011). Karstic uvala revisited: Towards a redefinition of the term. Geomorphology 134, 32-42.
10. Milivojević, M., Menković, L., Ćalić, J. (2008). Pleistocene glacial relief of the central part of Mt. Prokletije (Albanian Alps). Quaternary International, 190, 112-122.
11. Ćalić, J. (2007). Karst research in Serbia before the time of Jovan Cvijić. Acta Carsologica 36(2), 315-319.