Journal of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" SASA


Zbornik CMYK 2017


    General information


    Printed edition:

    ISSN 0350-7599

    Electronic edition:

    ISSN 1821-2808


    Three times a year

    (in April, August and December)


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Collection of Papers - Volume 37


Miloš Zeremski

The Composite Gruža Depression, with an Overview of Neotectonic Processes (1-20)

Čedomir S. Milić

Fossil and Recent Alluvia in the Jasenica Basin (21-40)

Marina Todorović

The Contemporary Development of the Agricultural Complex in the Municipality of Gornji Milanovac (41-79)

Mihajlo Kostić

The Oraški kiseljak [Mineral Water] Source (81-101)

Olga Savić

The Territorial Growth and Exploitation of the Urban Space of Gornji Milanovac (103-125)

Mihajlo Kostić

The Geographical Regionalisation of Thermal Phenomena and Products of Šumadija (127-152)

