Journal of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" SASA


Zbornik CMYK 2017


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Collection of Papers - Volume 41 (The Municipality of Veliko Gradište)


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Title page



Mihajlo Kostić, Dejan Djordjević

The Regional-geographical Position of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište (1-10)

Čedomir S. Milić

The Fluvial Relief in the Municipality of Veliko Gradište (11-29)

Miloš Zeremski

The Aeolian Relief of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište (31-52)

Borut Kirbus

A Geomorphological Map of the Area of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište (53-70)

Verka Jovanović

The Climatic and Hydrological Characteristics of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište (71-83)

Jasmina Kostić

The Natural Conditions for the Development of Certain Branches of the Economy and for Settling down in the Municipality of Veliko Gradište (85-102)

Gordana Vojković

The Population of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište (103-140)

Marina Todorović

The Agriculture of Veliko Gradište (141-155)

Dragoljub Živković

The Socio-economic and Spatial Components of the Development of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište, up to Now and in the Future (157-178)

Branka Tošić

A Contribution to Studying Social Activities in the Municipality of Veliko Gradište (179-194)

Radmilo Jovanović

The Position of the Settlements in the Settlement Network of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište (195-220)

Dejan Djordjević

The Settlement Network on the Territory of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište – Organisation, Processes and Problems (221-242)

Ivan Popović

The Basic Characteristics of Weekend House Building on the Territory of the Municipality of Veliko Gradište (243-258)

Olga Savić

Veliko Gradište – Economic Development, Territorial Growth, Importance and Influences in the Area of (259-313)

Milovan Radovanović

The Municipality of Veliko Gradište – a Contribution to the Synthesis of the Results of Team Scientific-research Work (315-335)

Miloš Zeremski

Milisav Lutovac, Academician

