Mission and Vision


The institute is a scientific institution, a unit of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, in Belgrade, whose basic activities are organisation and systematic work on developing scientific research in the sphere of geography. It is the Institute's task in palticular to study landscape phenomena, objects, forms, relations, states and processes within the geographical enviroment. Its research encompasses the landscapes of Serbia, as well as the broader territories of the Balkan Peninsula, South and Central Europe, wider European area and the world.

The mission of the Institute is that as a scientific research organization brings together basic, applied and developmental multidisciplinary research in a geographical, natural and social sciences. The aim of the Institute is to achieve greater application of the results of geographical research in the country and abroad, as well as the popularization of science and spread scientific knowledge and skills aimed at public and private sector, as well as individuals here and abroad.

The Institute gives its contribution through:

- scientific results and inovation in strategic areas in cosolidation with the needs and development potentials of Serbia; the research articles of Institute's collaborators are published in Journal of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic"  and Special editions. Until today 66 Journals and 89 monograph editions were published within Institute. 

- collaborationwith domestic and foreign Institutions in the scope of scientific, research and education activities,  and cooperation  with other geographical institutes in the country and abroad, especially with institutes within the Academies of other neighbouring countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Slovenia, etc.);

education of doctoral students and experts in the field of geosciences in order to obtain academic degrees and their involvement in scientific projects. The Institute has hired 36 staff members (including 21 PhDs, 14 master 's degree and one geographer), which implement projects funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia and other institutions. Also, the Institute engaged four four doctoral students holders of the scholarship of the Ministry of Science.

- providing consulting and other services that lead to the implementation of new knowledge and technologies in the field of geosciences;

- responding to global issues and contribute to the development of joint solutions and innovative ideas through the organization of and participation in various conferences and seminars on topical geographical issues and the publication of scientific works of the Institute's collaborators in the leading international scientific journals.

- popularization of science and raising social awareness about the importance of scientific research and innovation for society as a whole, primarily through lectures, promotion and participation of the Institute at various events in Serbia.