Date: December, 2024
Venue: the Ural Federal University’s (UrFU) Institute of Economics and Management, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Dr. Marko D. Petrović delivered visiting lectures at the Ural Federal University’s (UrFU) Institute of Economics and Management in Yekaterinburg, in December 2024.

Date: September 19, 2024
Venue: Saborište, Tršić, Loznica, Srbija
Organisers: City of Loznica
Associates of the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijic” SASA, Dr Željko Bjeljac and Dr Јovana Brankov, together with colleagues from the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education: University of Belgrade, held a workshop...

Date: September 30, 2023
Venue: RUDN University, Moscow , Russia
Dr. Marko D. Petrović had visiting lectures at the RUDN University, Department of Regional Economics and Geography in Moscow (Russia) in September 2023. The aim of the visit was academic and scientific cooperation, and teaching graduate and postgraduate students.
Special appreciation and acknowledgment to Dr. Veronika N. Kholina from the RUDN University for the invitation and support.

Date: November 1, 2023
Venue: Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Dr. Marko D. Petrović had visiting lectures at the Don State Technical University, Faculty of Media Communications and Multimedia Technologies in Rostov-on-Don (Russia) in October 2023. The aim of the visit was academic and scientific cooperation, and teaching graduate and postgraduate students.
Special appreciation and acknowledgment to Dr. Denis A. Dubover from the DSTU University for the invitation and support.

Date: October 23, 2023
Venue: Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia
Organiser: Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA
On October 23, 2023, at the invitation of our Institute, professor of the Faculty of Geography at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Dr. Mihail Slipenchuk, held a lecture about contemporary geographical research of the polar regions and promoted the author's books: “Andrej Kapica” and “Columbus of the 20th century” in the hall of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Professor Slipenchuk is the head of the Department of Environment Management at the Faculty of Geography of MGU Lomonosov.
Date: February 12, 2020
Venue: Music Hall Room 208, University of Wisconsin - Madison,
Organisers: Department of Planning and Landscape Architecture, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Dr. Marko Petrović, research associate of GI "Jovan Cvijić" SASA, as visiting scholar with DPLA, presented a lecture on theme "Rural Development an Tourism: An international Perspective".

Date: October 10, 2014
Venue: Cultural centar "Vuk Karadzic", Loznica, Serbia
Organisers: Event "Days of Jovan Cvijic",Cultural centar "Vuk Karadzic", Loznica, and Primary School "Jovan Cvijic" Loznica
Geographical Institute participated in the event "Days of Jovan Cvijic" in Loznica. On that occasion Dragoljub Štrbac held proffesional lecture "Information technologies and geography".

Date: June 6, 2014
Venue: Jagodina, Jagodina, Serbia
Organisers: Regional support team for science, education and art (NOU tim)
Within the program of the Festival of Science, Education and Arts, MSc Ana Milanović Pešić held lecture with a theme: Floods in Serbia. This theme is in the scientific focus for a long time, and the interest on this lecture have shown a great number of the visitors.

Date: April 21, 2015, to April 23, 2015
Venue: Yekaterinburg, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Organisers: Ural Federal Economical University
Geographical institute "Jovan Cvijic" SASA participated in the VI VI Euroasian Economical Youth Forum, in organization of Ural Federal Economical University of Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation. Dr Darko Vuković participated as an expert in several sessions and held visiting lectures to the students of Ural Federal University and Ural Federal Loess-technical University (USFEU).

Date: February 21, 2014
Venue: Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Organisers: VII Meeting of the organizers of the events “Let Us Create the Future of Events in Serbia Together”, Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Association of Catering and Tourism - Group for event tourism and the editorial board of the “Guide to Tourist Events”
Susreti organizatora manifestacija u organizaciji časopisa „Vodič kroz turističke manifestacije'' i Grupacije za manifestacioni turizam Udruženja za ugostiteljstvo i turizam PKS, jedinstveni stručni skup koji iz godine u godinu okuplja sve veći broj zainteresovanih učesnika, tretira različite teme, organizuje diskusije po aktuelnim temama, razvija ideje, i ove godine je potvrdio da s pravom uživa visoku reputaciju, kako u zemlji, tako i u zemljama regiona.


Željko Bjeljac, PhD

Aleksandra Terzić, PhD

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