Journal of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijic" SASA


Zbornik CMYK 2017


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Collection of Papers - Volume 51 (Goranies, Muslims and Turks in the Šar (Shar) Mountain Župas (Parishes) of Serbia – Problems of the Actual Living and Survival Conditions)


Title page


Stevan Karamata

Opening Address (1–2)

Ivan Sedlak

Welcoming Address (3–6)

Milovan Radovanović

Šar (Shar) Mountain and it's Župas in South Serbia's Kosovo-Metohia Region (7–22)

Dragoslav Antonijević

Ethnic Identity of Goranies (23–28)

Vladimir Stojančević

A Glance at the Islamisation of Gora and Other Župas of the Šar Mountain Complex (29–32)

Harun Hasani

Migration of the Population of the Šar Mountain Župa Gora (33–44)

Ibro Vait

Goranies in the Light of Rambouillet Talks (45–48)

Radivoje Mladenović

The Speech of Goranies (49–54)

Behadin Ahmetović

Autonomous Municipality of Gora as a Guarentee of the Ethnic Autonomy, Entity and Identity of Goranies (55–58)

Milan Ivanović

Surviving and Destroyed Cultural and Historical Monuments in The Župas of Gora and Sredska and Part of Prizrenski Podgor in Šar Mountain (59–62)

Mesip Dalfi

Actual Problems of Education System in the Municipality of Gora Upon Arrival of KFOR (63–66)

Vladimir Bovan

On the Folk Literature of Goranies (67–70)

Orhan Dragaš

The Story About Goranies (71–74)

Zeynelabidin Kureysh

Position of the Turkish National Community in Kosovo-Metohija Since Rambouillet and Paris Talks, and KFOR and UNMIK Arrival in that South Serbia's Region (75–78)

Miodrag Stojanović

Ptolemy's Orini and our Contrymen Goranies (79–82)

Darko Tanasković

Gora in the Pisture – Gora in the Heart (83–86)

Vekoslav A. Stanković

The Origin on Petar K. Kostić, Writer and Senator from Prizren (87–92)

Branislava Lilić

Economy, Population and Settlements on Šar Mountain as Described in Studies of Russian Consul in Prizren I. S. Yastrebov (93–96)

Milan Bursać, Mirčeta Vemić

Basic Requirements for Planned Arrangement of the Šar Mountain Župas of Serbia (97–104)



