ISBN 978-86-80029-85-6
Година издања: 2024
Уредници: А. Милановић Пешић, З. Вуксановић-Мацура, С. Ловић Обрадовић, М. Д. Петровић, Ј. Ковачевић
Издавач: Географски институт „Јован Цвијић” САНУ
During 2024, two significant jubilees will be celebrated—100 years since the First Congress of Slavic
Geographers and Ethnographers in Prague and the publication of the first volume of the monograph
“Geomorphology” by renowned Serbian geographer Jovan Cvijić (1865–1927), one of the Congress
initiators. Subsequent Congresses were held in Poland (1927), the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1930), and the
Kingdom of Bulgaria (1936). In order to honour these significant anniversaries, the Geographical Institute
“Jovan Cvijić” SASA from Belgrade, with support of the Cultural Centre “Vuk Karadžić” from Loznica,
Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation and Ministry of Culture of the Republic
of Serbia started the initiative to organize the 5th Congress of Slavic Geographers and Ethnographers
with the aim of gathering eminent foreign and domestic scientists from the field of geography and
related disciplines.
Today, exactly 110 years after the initial idea, 100 years after the first Congress, and 88 years after the
last, Serbia proudly hosted the 5th Congress of Slavic Geographers and Ethnographers, which was held
in Belgrade from October 23 to 25, 2024. In this way, the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” SASA
wanted to continue the tradition of connecting the Slavic peoples, as well as cooperation with the
broader international scientific community in the sphere of contemporary scientific achievements.
In this publication, through 20 articles and 81 abstracts, over 170 eminent scientists from 18 countries
represented their views regarding geographical and ethnological issues. Therefore, this publication
offers to the readers various interpretations of different topics, including contemporary theoretical and
methodological approaches in geography, physical-geographical processes and their effects on the
population, environmental protection, population, economical, historical, and political geography,
spatial planning, and ethnology.
Преузмите књигу у пдф формату: Book of Abstracts and Contributed Papers web.pdf