Tamara Gajić, Associate Professor Ph.D., Senior Research Associate
Research areas: Geography, Tourism, Hotel Management, Rural Development, Gastronomy, Management
Selected References
1. Gajić, T., Raljić Popov, J., Aleksić, M., Blešić , I., Vukolić, D., Petrović, M.D., Yakovenko, N.V., Sikimić, V. (2021). Creating Opportunities for the Development of Craft Beer Tourism in Serbia as a New Form of Sustainable Tourism. Sustainability, 13(16), pp.1-22, 8730. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13168730
2. Gajić, T., Petrović, D.M., Blešić, I., Radovanović, M., & Syromjatnikowa, J. (2021). The power of fears in the travel decisions: COVID-19 vs. lack of money, Journal of Tourism Futures, Emerald Publishing Printed, pp.1-22. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JTF-03-2021-0064/full/html
3. Blešić, I., Petrović, MD., Gajić, T., Tretiakova, T.N, Syromiatnikova, J.A, Radovanović, M., Popov-Ralji,ć J., Yakovenko, N.V. (2021). How the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior Can be Applied in the Research of the Influencing Factors of Food Waste in Restaurants: Learning from Serbian Urban Centers. Sustainability. 2021; 13(16):9236. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13169236
4. Gajić, T., Petrović, D., Radovanović, M., Darko Vuković, D., Yakovenko, N.V (2021). Women’s Role in Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction in the Travel Industry – An Evidence From the Urban Setting, Sustainability, 13, pp. 2-15, 8395. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13158395
5. Blešić,I., Petrović, M., Gajić,T., Tretiakova, T., Vujičić, M., and Julia Syromiatnikova (2021). Application of the analytic hierarchy process in the selection of traditional food criteria in Vojvodina (Serbia). Journal of Ethnic Foods (2021) 8:20 https://doi.org/10.1186/s42779-021-00096-2
6. Gajić, T., Vukolić, D., & Stojanović, K. (2021). Nematerijalno kulturno nasledje kao turistički atraktor - case study of Sremska Mitrovica. ODITOR, Belgrade, Vol.7, No. SO1/2021, PP.77-90
7. Delić Jović, M., Gajić, T., & Kozić, B. (2021). Agriculture in the function of rural development - Case study from Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska, Economics of Agriculture, Belgrade, 2-2021, pp.463-476. https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj2102463D
8. Gajić, T., & Cvijanović, D. (2021). Immediate and long-term negative impacts of Covid-19 on tourism. 30th International Scientific Conference: "Knowledge without borders", The Institute of Knowledge Management – Skopje, Plenary session, April 16. 2021 KNOWLEDGE – International Journal, Vol. 45.
9. Manojlović, R., Stamenković, I., Matejević, M., Ristić, Z., Gajić, T. (2021). Possibilities of more perspective development of the hunting ground "Karađorđevo" as part of rural tourism offer, Economics of Agriculture, Belgrade. No.1, Vol.68 (1/264), pp. 85-101 https://doi.org/10.5937/ekoPolj2101085M
10. Gajic, T., Vukolic, D. (2021). Is the participation of women in the rural tourism development of Serbia visible? Journal of Tourism and Sport Management (JTSM) USA Vol.4 (2): 498-505. ISSN: 2642-021X