Associate of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" SASA, Dr Јovana Brankov, attended the scientific conference with international participation "Tradition and Transformation of Tourism as a Spatial Phenomenon" and presented her research on that occasion. The Conference was held at the Palace Hotel in Belgrade

Name of the event: Tradition and Transformation of Tourism as a Spatial Phenomenon.

Date: November 3, to November 4, 2022


Organisers: Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Tourismologists Association of Serbia and the Balkan Network of Tourism Experts


Participants: Jovana Brankov

Announcement title: Tourism Development and Water Pollution in National Parks in Serbia: Interrelations and Perspectives


Associate of the Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" SASA, Dr Јovana Brankov, attended the scientific conference with international participation "Tradition and Transformation of Tourism as a Spatial Phenomenon" and presented her research on that occasion. The Conference was held at the Palace Hotel in Belgrade
